free from stress :)

i've made this on my fb, and then on my blog with english version,, :))

you all can make ur stress away. how? there are some tips to free your mind from stress :)

1. reading Al-Quran
Al Quran can make your mind enjoy and more relax :) beside that, reading Quran is our obligation as a Moslem. beside stress free, by reading Al Quran can make you get a reward from Allah.

2. having a trip around the town by motorcycle and listening mp4, and you can singing too :))
but remember, dont sing too aloud, because other can consider you as a mad person :)) if theres no motorcycle, you can use car or even walking.

3. chatting, texting, or calling your besties or your someone special can be an alternative solution too :) but make sure that he or she is on a good condition and not busy to respond you. you can sharing, making a good joke, or everything that you can enjoy together.

4. facial at your own home :)
this is cheap and make your face shiny B-) try this at home !
- to clean some blackspot on your face because of pimples : take 1 cucumber from the refrigerator, dont peel it ! and slice it. input the slicing cucumber into a blender n blend it... after that, apply it on your face. wait for about 2 hours and your face will shiny as a shining star ;) . before applying the cucumber formula, remember to clean your face with a facial mild soap first.
- to make your face smoothly, you can try the potato formula -> slice the potato, blend it with blender and apply it to your face. wait until the potato become dark. and same with the cucumber formula, dont forget to clean your face first :)
when you do this, you can playing your favourite song :) make your home like heaven !

5. swimming
swimming is a water-treatment relaxation :) so after swimming you can feel fresh and stress free :D but remember, do not sinking yourself :p

6. hanging out with besties or someone special
if you have some money, you can try this tips. laughing, taking some pictures, joking, and many other things that you can share and enjoy together will make you relax :D

7. doing your own hobby
your hobby can make you relax. for example, you can draw if you like drawing, or even just sleeping can make you better. do what you like to do :)

8. watching comedy movie.
you dont need to go to the movie, just renting some dvd movies or buying it by yourself can make yourself feel better :)

at last,, always remember that every cloud has a silver lining. it means that there always a solution for every problem. what you need to do is just be patient and do the best !

stay happy, stay positive :)


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