2 am

because i'm suffering from cough, so maybe this one will be full with *coughing* :p

2 am. I can't sleep. tomorrow will be held a technical meeting at 9 am, but i have to go at 6.30 am. don't ask me why, because i am responsible for it :)) *coughing*

i'm browsing and listening to music, usual activities I do when I can't sleep. actually i have some assignments but i don't desire to do it right now *coughing*.

i read a funny blog. well, the theme are always about : dilemma. dilemma. like Virgie's dilemma. and other girls' dilemma. who's next? =))

i read an opinion, that makes me scary. About a girl who fell in love with a boy, and they did a LDR (long distance relationship). and then the boy suddenly disappeared because of Afghanistan War. One day, he is found by government in a crazy condition and heavy trauma. *coughing coughing*
#God, don't let this happen to me :( ameeen.

but i found a good fact. funny fact. or what?
That he is so caring to me when i'm not realizing it :))

oh, 2.30 am. time to go, Allah calls me :) and time to make my plans better, my future brighter :D


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