I call him "papa"

I’ll proudly tell you about him. Yes, he is my first love. Someone that I call: Papa.

Papa seems like an ordinary man on the first sight. But inside, papa is a very special man for me. He always gives me some inspirations when I am stuck in problems. He lifts my heart, he makes my burdens lighter.

My traits are inherited from papa, 90%. We are animal lovers, hard-headed person, temperamental, and many more. But really, he is my inspirations.

When I was broken heart and saw that my ex with other girl, I was cried and angry. But papa said: for what are you crying for? For what are you angry for? God made you see the truth, and He will make him regret because he has lost a very precious girl like you :)

And now I am with a better person after I prayed for a long time. I don’t want to lose him anymore, I don’t want to break up, and I don’t want to be failed anymore. So what papa said was true, and I am so thankful that Allah has given a Mr. Right for me :D

Papa said: Allah will help people like a human help each other. When a human has a best friend and a friend who have a hard problem in the same time, it’s obvious that he will choose to help his best friend first. So if we are near with our God, don’t ever be afraid because He will always help you. And if you are far from God, maybe it is a way that God told you that you have to be near Him.

It made me realize that our life is related to our God, so I always try to make myself near Him. I’ll tell you what, my father was an atheist. When he was young, he has a free life, far from God. But after tried some religions, he chose Islam as his religion, and he becomes a very godly person. His experiences make me learn to be a better and stronger person.

When I have a heart problem, he said: when you have a heart problem, talk to Allah. He conquers all of human’s heart, so you know that He is a right one to be talked with. And I always do this every time, talk to Allah when I have a story to tell. My father makes me near God; he makes me know about Him well. I can’t imagine if Allah gives me the other father, maybe I’m not who I am now.

One night, I talked with my boyfriend via Yahoo Messenger. I knew papa heard it, but he pretended not to know about it. My parents knew it, but they always pretend to me. Maybe they consider me as a 19 years old girl who has to be mature.

My papa said: Life is just a game of emotions, it’s up to you how to make it well or it will ruin you. And I realize that it’s true, it’s very hard to control our emotions. And now I don’t think how to be a very pretty and famous girl, or a perfect human. I am just the way I am; I have my own flaws and weaknesses. People are free to like or hate me. I don’t have many fans, I live to make other people’s life meaningful with my presence, that’s what I learn. I live to make them happy.

At last, papa has made me to be a wise person. And thank Allah; You have given him to me :) You gave me the best parents in lifetime, You have given me true best friends, You have given me the best man I ever met :) Alhamdulillah. Always keep them for me and don’t ever take them from me.

Look into your parents's eyes and say : papa mama i love you. Before it's too late..


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